The science of Behavior Analysis has proven that positive reinforcement results in learning.  When a behavior is rewarded, it is likely to be repeated. This simple concept is the basis for Applied Behavior Analysis. While many techniques have been developed to positively reinforce appropriate behaviors and thus reduce unwanted or harmful behaviors, we most commonly use the following three:

Naturalistic Instruction:  Target behaviors are encouraged by building on a client’s interests and developing them into more complex skills, making learning more interactive and enjoyable.

Discrete Trial Training (DTT):  A very specific skill is practiced until it is mastered; moving from simple to more advanced skills. Skills are broken down step by step to make it easier to understand and follow.

Pivotal Response Training:  PRT is play based and child initiated and emphasizes “natural reinforcement.” Its goals include the development of communication, language and positive social behaviors and relief from disruptive self-stimulatory behaviors.

Other strategies may be added to an individual’s program to enhance outcomes. These may include:

Structured Teaching, as defined by Division TEACCH
Positive Behavior Support Plans
Social Skills Training
Sensory Integration
Relationship Development
Social Stories
Visual Communication Systems
Augmentative Communication Systems